
Dishes for Thanksgiving Day

I would like to tell you about dishes for thanksgiving. Do you know what people eat for thanksgiving? I don't think that you know about dishes so I will tell you about them now.

First, I will tell you about turkey. Turkey is the most important food in thanksgiving. Thanksgiving will not start if they do not have turkeys. They eat turkeys roasted whole with cranberry jerry – it is one of the symbols of thanksgiving – or stuffing. Stuffing is that bread and vegetables are fried. Some people fill stuffing with turkey. Juice from turkey is also used for making gravy sauce. They eat mashed potato with this sauce.

Second, people eat pumpkin as usually pumpkin pie. It is as staple dish as roasted turkey. They also eat pumpkin leaves as salad. American have liked pumpkin for over 400 years now.

They also eat corn, green beans, sweet potatoes in many ways. For examples, corn pudding, buttered corn, baked corn, bean casserole, baked sweet potatoes, brandied sweet potatoes and so on. People eat dishes of thanksgiving with gratitude for family, friends, good health and good food.

1 comment:

Uika said...

Thanksgiving Day is very nice day!!
I want to eat turkey♪